Title: Hear Us, See Us, Respect Us - Best Practices in Respecting the Expertise of People who Use Drugs
Client: Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition
Date of Completion: July 2021
San Patten and Associates led this national community-based research project to identify existing and emerging best practices on the meaningful, respectful and equitable engagement of People Who Use(d) Drugs (PWUD). This document identifies best practices that can be used by governmental agencies, non-governmental agencies, research institutions and researchers, and community-based organizations serving PWUD. It identifies standards for proper engagement of PWUD, as defined by PWUD across Canada. The report provides PWUD with a solid evidence base from which to advocate for better inclusion in programs, policies, protocols, and initiatives, as well as a framework for organizations to reflect on and adapt their own policies, practices and structures.